ADC Exam Coaching in India- Prelims & Practical explained

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The Australian Dental Council conducts a series of assessment exams for accreditation of the scientific knowledge, technical and clinical skills and ability to make a clinical judgement in relation to patient care of an overseas dentist whose dental graduate degree is not recognised by the Dental Board of Australia.

New Blue Print of ADC Written Examination

The success in examination of Australian Dental Council depends on the rigorous practice. Once you understand the format of the written part 1 examination, the type & pattern of questions, you can easily crack it.

Video lecture on ADC written examination is given below. If you do not want to read the article, you can see the video.

Books for ADC Examination

The following books have been recommended by Australian Dental Council.

General Dentistry

  1. Australian Dental Association Inc. Policy Statement 6.5.1, Code of ethics for dentists.
  2. Australian Dental Association, Victorian Branch. By-law 2, Ethics.
  3. Fan KFM, Jones J. MCQs in dentistry, 2nd edn. Knutsford, UK: PasTest Ltd, 2010
  4. Ireland R, ed. A dictionary of dentistry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010
  5. Mitchell DA, Mitchell L. Oxford handbook of clinical dentistry, 7th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014