Showing posts with label Dental Implant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dental Implant. Show all posts

Five reasons you should take an implant supported prosthesis

Schematic diagram showing implant components and how a crown is placed on implant which in turn placed in a bony socket in the jaw bone

People often ask me; can I get a fixed artificial teeth? While most of the time, they can get it, but in few unfortunate one, it remained impossible to provide a fixed partial denture due to their unfavourable oral conditions. In those cases, we suggest them, “you should take an implant supported prosthesis”.

Nine reason you should not go for implant supported prosthesis

Schematic diagram showing implant components and how a crown is placed on implant which in turn placed in a bony socket in the jaw bone

Implant supported prostheses that include over-dentures, crowns and bridges are the treatment of choice in modern dentistry. They are very predictable in nature and have a track record of very successful life span serving their purpose. But, there are certain conditions where the dental implants cannot be provided due to the inherent nature of the disease. The implant supported prostheses are contraindicated in the following conditions:

  1. Immune disorders (leukemia)
  2. Cancer
  3. Disorders of coagulation (anticoagulants, liver cirrhosis, thrombocytopenia, tendency to hemorrhage)
  4. Rheumatoid disease (steroid medication)
  5. Unstable endocrine disorders
  6. Chemotherapy (i.e. bisphosphonates) and radiotherapy within the last 5 years
  7. Patients under 16 years old (incomplete development of bones)
  8. Psychosis
  9. Pregnancy